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Engaged to social media? 💍

Made you click. :p

User engagement for businesses is an important metric to understand for various reasons and I am going to dive right in. It reveals how a company’s content strategy aligns with its users’ interests. People who engage with a particular website are more likely to purchase, become repeat customers, and share the product or service with others.

There are different types of engagement metrics including page views, time spent on a page, bounce rate, top exit pages, pages per session, page scroll depth, unique visitors, and new vs. returning visitors. (Osman, 2019)

Another aspect to consider is content engagement. Engaging content doesn’t just sell products or services, it builds awareness. Ads and posts that have high engagement rates will increase brand awareness for a business. This will then funnel more traffic to the company’s website. Customers who feel engaged are more likely to return for more at a later time. It not only creates a connection with the appropriate audience but also leaves a lasting impression. For example, I am much more likely to go back and purchase a shirt from a company that posts fun, engaging content, over a company that rarely posts content at all. If I feel like a company is trying to connect with me, I will prioritize their brand and want to support them.

Content engagement is an imperative component of a company’s marketing efforts. Good engagement often correlates to a successful website, which contributes to a company’s overall success. Posting carefully curated images and videos will aid in the views and comments on a post. This will instill curiosity within users, thus, pushing them to click on the post or social media page. Which in turn links to the brand’s website.

For work, I actually encourage my clients to provide me with any testimonials and statistics that they may have; for me to turn into ads for their campaigns. After lots of testing, I have found that these types of content are pretty successful to run as ads. I also like to filter in user-generated content when I can. I have even had a few clients ask people who have tagged their company in a post, to ask for permission to be used for an ad (while giving them credit in the caption, etc.).

A few other ways to increase engagement is by making social media posts, blog posts, etc. easily accessible for sharing. This is a great way to increase genuine brand awareness. Another way is to ask questions in posts, in order to get the audience thinking and interacting with their own thoughts. Increasing website loading time is another significant factor because people like the convenience of quick Internet browsing. Therefore, it would be very unfortunate if a business lost curious website visitors due to slow loading times. (Vendilli, 12) Last but not least, is keeping the website up to date. Having old or outdated information on a website seems like the company doesn’t care or put in the effort. Because as we all know, websites are the first impression of an e-commerce brand.

Maddy Osman. February 3, 2019 . V. I. P. C. O. N. T. R. I. B. U. T. O. R. M. O. Top 10 user engagement Kpis to measure. Search Engine Journal.

Chris Vendilli 05-11-12. (n.d.). Understanding the importance of content engagement. Vendilli Digital Group.'t%20just,to%20be%20shared%20and%20discussed.

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